Understanding UAE Procurement Laws: A Guide for Businesses

September 26, 2024

Procurement laws in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) are essential for businesses operating in one of the most dynamic economies in the world. Whether you're a local business or an international company bidding for government contracts, understanding these laws is crucial to successfully navigating the tendering process and ensuring compliance with local regulations. This guide provides an overview of key aspects of UAE procurement laws, their implications for businesses, and how to approach the tendering process effectively.

The Legal Framework for Procurement in the UAE

The UAE operates a dual legal system, with federal laws applying across all seven emirates, and local laws governing procurement within each emirate. While federal procurement laws set the standard, individual emirates like Abu Dhabi and Dubai have their own procurement regulations for public sector projects. These laws aim to promote transparency, fair competition, and efficiency in the procurement process, particularly for government contracts.

Key legislation guiding procurement in the UAE includes:

1. Federal Law No. (11) of 2023 On Procurement in the Federal Government

This Law regulates the general framework of Procurements in the Government. The Ministry of Finance announced the issuance of Federal Decree-Law No. 11 of 2023 on Federal Government Procurement, which sets the general framework for the procurement of products and services in the UAE’s government.

The law, based on advanced and flexible international best practices, aims to define the principles, controls, and standards for government procurement operations, enhancing and guiding procurement processes within federal government entities. It aligns with the UAE’s digital agenda and enables its  drive to implement digital procurement systems utilising world-class policies and practices, as well as ensuring equality and fairness among participating suppliers, involving relevant stakeholders and participants in the purchasing process at federal entities, and ensuring that they implement operations efficiently and effectively to ensure quality and achieve spending efficiency.

The Federal Decree-Law No. 11 of 2023 also aims to enhance integrity, trust, transparency, and competitiveness in all procurement procedures, while providing public value and public interest that align with global quality standards and sustainable development. It also supports Small and Medium Enterprises and the national economy, provides flexibility, improves the performance of purchasing and contracting operations, and enhances the efficiency of planning and procurement management at a federal level.


2. The Federal Decree-Law No. 12 of 2023 on PPP’s (Public-Private Partnerships)

Public Private Partnership (PPP) is a contractual relationship between one or more government entities and one or more organisations of the private sector. Each party plays a certain role, integrated in one developmental framework. There are many forms of partnerships with the private sector which depend on the level of contribution and responsibilities each party has.

The aim of this Law is to realize the following:

To organize Partnership Projects between the Federal Public Sector and the Private Sector within the UAE.
To encourage participation of the Private Sector in development and strategic Projects and to promote investment in projects with economic, social and service value.
To enable the Government to implement its strategic Projects efficiently and effectively.
To capitalize on the financial, administrative, organizational, technical, and technological capabilities and expertise of the Private Sector, in a manner that enables society members to benefit from the best services whilst achieving best value for money.
To maximize productivity, improve the quality of public services, and adopt efficient management practices to develop such services.
To transfer knowledge and skills from the Private Sector to the Federal Entities, and train and qualify employees of Federal Entities to manage and operate Projects.
To implement Projects which provide added value to public monies.
To reduce the financial and operational risks on the Government that may arise from project implementation.
To transform the approach in managing certain infrastructure and public services Projects from direct implementation, operation and management models to other forms of implementation, based on approved policies and quality controls.
To boost the competitiveness of Projects in local, regional, and international markets.


Key Aspects of UAE Procurement Laws

1. Public Tenders

Most government procurement in the UAE is conducted through public tenders, which are open to both local and international companies. The law requires all tenders to be advertised publicly, providing fair competition and equal opportunity for businesses to participate. This process is intended to foster transparency and prevent any favoritism or bias in awarding contracts.

2. Prequalification of Bidders

In many cases, companies must prequalify to bid for certain government contracts. Prequalification ensures that bidders have the necessary technical capabilities, financial standing, and relevant experience to complete the project. This is a critical step in maintaining quality standards and minimizing risk for the contracting entity.

3. Bid Submission and Evaluation

The bid submission process is strictly regulated, with clearly defined deadlines and requirements for documentation. UAE procurement laws also mandate a fair and objective evaluation process. Government entities use predetermined criteria to evaluate bids, ensuring that contracts are awarded based on merit, not personal connections or other unfair advantages.

4. Preference for Local Companies

In some cases, the UAE government gives preference to local companies or requires foreign firms to collaborate with local partners through joint ventures. This policy aims to support the UAE’s economic diversification goals and foster the growth of local industries. However, international companies still have significant opportunities, especially for large infrastructure projects where specialized expertise is required.

5. E-Procurement Systems

The UAE is increasingly moving toward digital solutions for procurement, with many government entities adopting e-tendering platforms. These systems enhance transparency, streamline the tendering process, and allow for faster communication between government agencies and potential bidders. For businesses, it’s essential to familiarize themselves with these digital platforms and ensure compliance with their technical requirements.

Compliance and Legal Obligations

Businesses bidding for contracts in the UAE must adhere to strict compliance requirements. This includes not only meeting the technical specifications of the tender but also adhering to the legal framework governing procurement. Key compliance obligations include:

• Anti-bribery and Corruption Laws: UAE law prohibits any form of bribery or corruption in the procurement process. Businesses must ensure that they conduct all activities transparently and within legal boundaries, as violations can lead to severe penalties, including blacklisting.

• Contract Performance: Once a contract is awarded, the contractor is legally bound to deliver the project within the agreed-upon terms, including timelines, budgets, and quality standards. Any breach of contract can result in financial penalties or termination of the contract.

• Dispute Resolution: In the event of a dispute between the contracting entity and the contractor, UAE law typically encourages resolution through negotiation or mediation. However, contracts may also specify arbitration or litigation in UAE courts as a formal means of dispute resolution.

Benefits of Understanding UAE Procurement Laws

Understanding the UAE’s procurement laws offers significant benefits for businesses looking to engage in government contracts:

• Access to Lucrative Opportunities: The UAE is home to some of the world’s largest infrastructure and development projects, particularly in sectors like construction, energy, and technology. By navigating the legal framework effectively, businesses can access a range of high-value contracts.

• Enhanced Transparency: The UAE’s focus on transparency in procurement ensures that businesses operate in a fair and competitive environment, minimizing the risk of corruption and unfair practices.

• Increased Efficiency: With the government’s adoption of e-procurement systems and digitization, businesses can benefit from a streamlined and efficient tendering process, reducing administrative burdens and enhancing communication.


The UAE’s procurement laws are designed to ensure a transparent, fair, and competitive environment for businesses bidding on government contracts. For companies looking to expand their operations in the UAE, understanding and adhering to these laws is essential for success. By familiarizing themselves with the legal framework, businesses can access a wealth of opportunities in the UAE’s growing economy, while ensuring compliance with local regulations.